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Obtaining a subsidy depends on several factors and conditions. Among other things, the project must be in line with the applicable laws and regulations and the project must be in line with specific strategic and / or development agendas.
At national level, for example, a subsidy can be applied for by “The Netherlands Enterprise Agency”, or RVO. (“Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland” in Dutch).
The Netherlands Enterprise Agency is an agency of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate and Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality. This service was created on 1 January 2014 from a merger of the Regulatory Services and NL Agency
RVO offers various subsidies for, among themes as listed below:
- Sustainable and circular Entrepreneurship
- Save energy
- Energy production
- Promote energy transition
- Renovate and build buildings
- Renewable raw materials
- Improve infrastructure
- Investments
- Promote climate adaptation
- Improve air quality
- Solving social issues
- Protect or manage the environment and nature Research and development (R&D)
- Manage and protect water
- Doing business abroad
[/vc_column_text][testimonials_ctn style=”rd_tm_6″ animation=”rda_fadeInLeft”][testimonial_sc image=”18873″ author=”Martijn Meefout” a_info=”Subsidy Advisor”]Martijn is happy to help you to gain insight into your subsidy options.
Please contact Martijn via +31 546 851 851 or send an email to meefout@subvice.nl.[/testimonial_sc][/testimonials_ctn][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]
Note: The figure shows the different schemes arranged according to technology readiness levels. It is an indication of subsidies provided by RVO. In practice, the classification may deviate from this.